I am so bad at updating. Korbyn has been fighting some upper respiratory issues for a over a month now, he has been fighting RSV, and pneumonia. He has the lingering cough, and ear infection and sinus infection from the initial RSV. Because of this we were unable to do his spinal chemo last month, and he is a month behind on that. We are hopeful we will be able to to the spinal treatments this Tuesday, but with the continual and persistant cough, it may still be too dangerous to sedate him for the procedure. His blood counts are not fluctuating, but continue to be low, we may be put on a chemo hold if his counts haven't gone up any by Tuesday. They want to try to keep counts between 1000 and 1500 his are slowly going down each time.
We were able to visit our neighbor who lives accross the street, fireman Dave at his fire station, take a tour, and ride the fire engine. The children absolutely loved it, they even recieved a "call to respond" over the speaker system.
We have been keeping a low profile because of RSV, and cold and flu season, in an effort to keep korbyn as healthy as possible.
He is doing awesome in his mommy and me preschool. I teach him at home, and actually have a great time doing it.
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