Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I can't seen to get a song out of my head, every time I look at my little boy.
I never thought I'd be in this place, it's someone elses life I'm living, wish I were living a lie.
Never did I ever think my son would be the one needing the help, my whole world has been turned around. I'm used to being the one trying to see how I can help others, not the one needing someone to help us.
It's not an easy place to be. My son and daughter are my world and all I ever want is for them to be ok. And seeing my baby literally fight for his life, because this demon bitch (pardon the language) has chosen to place her wrath on an innocent child. Is the hardest thing I think I have ever been through.
They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Well bring on the buick, for the bench pressing.
I would be lying if I said my pillow is dry every night, and I am one seriously tough mama. It's not dry. I cry. A LOT. for those that know me, you know my truly manifested devotion and obsession with shoes. Well I hate my shoes right now.

Don't get me wrong korbyn is so strong and brave, and reminds me of that everyday. I just hurt. I can't explain the hurt. I tried. Sometimes all I can do is hold him, and cry with him.
Many people have asked if I need a break. I do, but give me time. I love that you ask, but please understand, I need time to just be with my kids. I need time to let them be with me.

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