you learn great things a little at a time, to learn to climb a mountain, first you learn to climb.
an awesome quote.
Favorite quote--author unknown.
"Children with cancer are like candles in the wind who accept the possibility that they are in danger of being extinguished by a gust of wind from nowhere and yet, as they flicker and dance to remain alive, their brilliance challenges the darkness and dazzles those of us who watch their light" -Author Unknown
all it takes is one simple spark to get a fire going. Korbyn is that spark, that keeps my fire going, he is that light in the darkest of times.
him and his big sister, are the reason I am who I am. you call me amazing, and wonderful, and beautiful. I no longer negate these things, as I know I have 2 wonderful children who teach me to be just that every day.
this life right now is no where nears where I dreamed it would be, but through the trials, I am learning that God only gives you what you can handle, and he gives you the special child spirits if you are deserving. I still haven't figured out just why we must be going down this path, but I do know, if you let God, and his infinite wisdom assist you, in the journey, you will reach that destination.
what that final destination may be, I do not know, nor do I know who, what, when, how, god will work through others to help us get there, but someway, somehow we will.
for years I have struggled spiritually, and having any faith at all in God. im still far from where I need to be, to let that light shine, for now, I help that light shine in my brave son, who is that flickering candle in the wind, and I will help him, so that his light will shine, to bring courage, hope, and bravery to the world. I will hold that light heaven ward so all that are willing or want, can see that flickering light, for light and warmth, in their coldest, darkest times.
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