Friday, June 28, 2013

Hard bittersweet day. I have officially resigned, on the recommendation of the oncologists, knowing the road is long and hard. I will miss  those i have come to call my friends. But knowing my son needs me and their understanding of that. Makes it easier. 3 months ago i walked out in tears at the horrible new my baby has cancer. Haven't been back since. but its still hard not knowing how or if things will work out.
I need to work on my faith in that god doesn't give us more than he knows we can handle. I've said it before. God has more faith in me than i have in myself.
Theres  always gonna be another mountain, im always gonna want to make  it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle, sometimes im gonna have to lose. It ain't about how fast i get there, it ain't about what's waiting on the other side. Its the climb.
Please keep us in your prayers. That we can get there. And that we come out stronger for having gone through it.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you every day and sending you happy thoughts my friends
